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* Е. Ш.
«В начале 11 столетия византийский император Константин Мономах добился разрешения мусульманских властей и заново отстроил церковь в 1042—1048 годах. Тогда к ротонде на месте гробницы была пристроена апсида, направленная на восток, а открытое пространство между церковью и ротондой назвали "святым садом". При позднейших перестройках церковь полностью примкнула к ротонде и свободного пространства не осталось»*.
* http://www.israel-gid.org/3445/
«В 1046 году была восстановлена церковь Воскресения; христианам было разрешено отмечать Пасху крестными ходами»*.
* http://www.golubinski.ru/ecclesia/ogon.htm
«В 1048 году император Константин IX Мономах (1042—1055) вновь отстраивает храм»*.
* http://www.balandin.net/FifthGospel/Gospel35.htm
«Левый престол [на Голгофе — Е. Ш.], принадлежащий Греческой Православной Церкви, воздвигнут в XI веке, при византийском императоре Константине Мономахе, на месте Распятия – над отверстием, в которое был водружен Крест Христов, и которое позднее было обрамлено серебряной оправой. Справа и слева от этого отверстия на мраморном полу видны черные круги, обозначающие места, где были установлены кресты, на которых распяли разбойников»*.
* http://jerusalem.ucoz.com/index/khristianskie_svjatyni_ch_10/0-43
Однако такой авторитетный современный специалист как Мартин Бидль вообще считает вклад Константина IX Мономаха в строительство Храма Гроба Господня ошибкой хроникёра крестоносцев Уильяма Тирского, который писал более века спустя и излагал события прошлого по устной традиции. «William of Tyre, the great Crusader historian, who wrote in the 1160s and 1170s, says that the restoration was completed by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine IX Monomachos in 1048. William is our only evidence for this, and his indications of date are inconsistent. No Byzantine chronicler believed this. John Skylitzes, writing in the mid-11th century, a strictly contemporary witness, noted that the Emperor Romanos III (1028-34) "strove eagerly to take the rebuilding in hand; but his death intervened and his successor completed the work." This was the Emperor Michael IV, the Paphlagonian, who reigned from 1036-41.
Byzantine historians of the next generation either repeat Skylitzes, or do not refer to the Holy Sepulchre at all. None attributes the work to Constantine IX. Why then did William of Tyre get it wrong? He was, he says, for this early period, a full century before he was writing, "informed solely by traditions" (solis traditionibus instructa). It looks as if he was given a wrong date, which he knew fell in the reign of Constantine Monomachos, and so attributed the work to him. /.../
This redating explains why the church seems to have been fully complete when it was visited by the Persian traveller Nasir-i-Khusrau in the spring of 1047. He described the church (surprisingly he does not mention the edicule) as:
"... a most spacious building ... capable of containing eight thousand persons built with the utmost skill, of coloured marbles, with ornamentation and sculptures, inside everywhere adorned with Byzantine brocade, worked in gold with pictures. ... There are also pictures [i.e. mosaics] of the prophets."
It was this edicule built by the Byzantines which the Crusaders found when they first entered the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on the evening of 15 July, 1099. This second edicule was rather different from Constantines edicule which it replaced, but in all essentials it was like the edicule of today: a cupola supported by columns over the tomb chamber, and a front compartment, still not the room represented today by the Chapel of the Angel, but more enclosed than the Constantinian portico it replaced»*.
* Martin Biddle. The Tomb of Christ. [http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/MFAArchive/1990_1999/1999/9/The%20Tomb%20of%20Christ]
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